Mr. Li, the former health secretary of Hong Kong, China, proposed to restore the export ban on e-cigarettes. This recommendation has sparked extensive discussions among the public and experts, focusing on the impact of e-cigarettes on public health and the importance of related regulatory policies.

Mr Li said e-cigarettes, as an alternative to traditional cigarettes, have great potential in reducing smoking rates and promoting public health. He emphasized that with proper regulatory and educational measures, potential risks can be minimized and public safety ensured.

He also pointed out that other countries have already implemented effective e-cigarette regulatory frameworks, and Hong Kong should learn from these experiences and formulate policies and regulations suitable for local conditions.

The popularity of e-cigarettes in the Hong Kong market is gradually increasing, especially among young people. However, the Hong Kong government implemented an export ban on e-cigarettes in 2019 due to concerns over potential health risks and concerns about underage smoking.

Mr Li stressed that reinstating the export ban on e-cigarettes does not mean a complete relaxation of regulation. Instead, he advocated a comprehensive regulatory framework, including strict regulation of product quality, distribution channels and advertising. He also called for greater public education to raise awareness of the potential risks of e-cigarettes and measures to prevent minors from accessing and using e-cigarettes.

Some experts expressed support for Mr. Li’s suggestion, arguing that e-cigarettes as an alternative can help reduce smoking rates and improve public health. However, there are also experts who have expressed concern about the long-term effects of e-cigarettes, advocating continued prudent regulation of the product.

As the discussions on e-cigarettes continue to deepen, the Hong Kong government will face the challenge of decision-making, which needs to strike a balance between protecting public health and supporting innovative products.

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Reform battle amid Hong Kong smog: Former health secretary advocates resumption of vape exports

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